Friday, September 24, 2010

Week of 9/27

We have just finished Chapter 2. The students did a great job on their test that they took on Friday. This week we are going to be starting Chapter 3: Data. I really enjoy this chapter because of all the real life examples I am able to use in class.

Course 2 will have a project in Chapter 3 we will be looking into it sometime the beginning of October.

Pre-Algebra is just wrapping up Chapter 2. We will be changing numbers into scientific notation this week and there will be a chapter 2 test on Friday.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Week of 9/20

September is really rushing by!

In Course 2 we are wrapping up chapter 2 and the test will be on Thursday. This was a quick chapter on decimals since the students have a lot of cross over in the science curriculum.

In Pre-Algebra we will be working on solving inequalities with integers. There is a Quiz on Tuesday then we will be looking at exponents and their properties.

This is a short week due to teacher's institute and the 7th graders even get to go golfing in gym class!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Week of 9/13

I apologize that there has been some problems with using the online textbook. I have talked to the company and it should be working just fine now. Please send me an email if you have any issues with the registration number given on my blog.

This week Course 2 students are starting Chapter 2: decimals. This is going to be a very quick chapter! We will have a quiz on Friday 9/17.

This week in Pre-Algebra the students will be taking their Chapter 1 test on Tuesday. Then we are going to explore the wonderful world of integers!

Have a nice weekend!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Week of 9/6

Week 3
Time is flying by already. In Course 2 and Pre-Algebra we are just wrapping up Chapter 1. Remember to come and ask questions if you feel you need extra practice or assistance. You can also check out!

Chapter 1 Test in Course 2 will be on Friday 9/10

Happy Labor Day!