Monday, January 31, 2011

Week of 1/31

This week in Pre-Algebra we will be continuing with Chapter 7. We will be exploring scale drawing and scale models later on in the week.

This week in Course 2 the students will be solving two step equations. There will be a quiz on Thursday over the material.

Pack the Place is going on this week! On Wednesday the boys will be playing Butler, come on out to cheer the Spartans.

We have an exciting week full of Spirit Days!
2/2 Wed- Green Day
2/3 Thursday- Pattern Day
2/4 Friday- Crazy Hair day

2/7 Monday- Hat Day
2/8 Tuesday- Tu-Tu-Tuesday
2/9 Wednesday- Gold Day

Friday, January 21, 2011

Week of 1/24

The Lakeview students and staff have been working on their "Lakeview Bear Down" video!

A special thanks to Mrs. Foellmer who spent a great amount of time editing this video and submitting it the the educational news station, Channel 1. Bear Down!

This week in Pre-Algebra we will be starting chapter 7. There are not any quizzes or tests!

This week in Course 2 the students will have a quiz on sections 7.1-7.2 on Monday. They will also have a quiz on Friday pertaining to solving one step equations.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Super Hero Day!

The math department has a lot of fun dressing up for super hero day! Mrs. Snodgrass even got us these awesome shirts that displays the order of operation rules!
Next week Course 2 will be working on writing expressions and combining like terms and Pre-Algebra will be converting customary units.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Week of 1/10

This week in Course 2 we will be reviewing for our Chapter 6 Test. The test will be given on Wednesday 1/12. The students have been working very hard on Chapter 6, they have learned all about integers and their operations. They have also learned properties and how to use them for different problems.

This week in Pre-Algebra we will be finishing up Chapter 6. The test will be on Friday 1/14. The students have been working with surface area and volume of three dimensional shapes. They will be given the formulas for their test.