Friday, March 27, 2009


I hope that everyone has a safe and relaxing spring break!Many of you will not be leaving the state.. here are some ideas to keep boredom at bay:
1) Plan a sleepover with friends ( popcorn and movies, make-overs, video game tournaments)
2) Pretend that you are on vacation: drink Florida orange juice, watch a Disney movie, and try to get a tan outside ( wear sunscreen)
3) Plan a family outing to a museum, shopping in Chicago, sightseeing along the lake front, or just taking a walk.
4) Plant flowers
5) Start a neighborhood game, my favorites included ghost in the graveyard, tag, hide and go seek, and kick the can.
6) Read a book! ( or two)
7) Pick up a craft, try to knit, make jewelry or paint
8) Ride your bike, Rollerblade or just walk around the neighborhood.
9) Turn off the computer and talk with your friends face to face, it can be more fun!
10) Relax! Take a bubble bath, read a magazine and sleep in!