I have complied a list of the homework for COURSE 2 for the past two weeks. If you were absent any of the days make sure to turn in your homework.
Tues. 10/13: 4.1 Practice Worksheet
Wed. 10/14 : pg 167 #3-33 all
Thurs. 10/15: pg 172 #4-14,18-28 Evens
Fri: 10/16 : 4.2 Practice Worksheet
Mon. 10/19: pg 178 #6-26,40-42 all
Tues. 10/20: Quiz-No homework
Wed. 10/21: pg 181 #1-6 for a grade
Thurs. 10/22: pg 184 #1-13 odds 31-33 all
Fri. 10/23: 4-9 Practice Worksheet