Tuesday, March 6, 2012


This is a short but important week with ISATs.

Please make sure that you have a calculator starting tomorrow ( Wednesday)

Get plenty of rest!

Eat a healthy breakfast!

I wanted to explain a bit about the scale drawing project that was assigned last week. This project allows students to be creative and design their dream room (realistic or not). The students have a total of 12 actual math problems from the walls and 5 items that they have chosen from a given list. All other items they can create without actual work/finding measurements.

I will be giving in class work days in order to keep the work load light during ISATs.

Friday- 3/2- Students should have picked a scale and completed the 12 problems over the weekend

Tuesday 3/6- Students should begin drawing the items on their poster or computer paper

Wednesday 3/7- By the end of class students should be completed with drawing all required items on their poster/paper

Thursday 3/8- Students should be coloring/adding their dream items

Monday 3/12- Students should be finishing up coloring/dream items

Tuesday 3/13- DUE DATE: Present dream rooms ( not a work day)

All work can be completed in class if time is used wisely. Please take a moment to talk to your child about his/her progress. There are some really neat ideas the students are coming up with! You can email if you have any individual questions.

Pre-Algebra students will be starting the first three chapters of ALGEBRA! This is a fun and exciting time for them. There will be many new challenges but I am available at 7:35 for any questions they may have.