Friday, March 23, 2012

Spring Break

I hope everyone has a relaxing and safe spring break.

When we return Course 2 will be wrapping up the chapter on percents. The chapter test will be 4/10.

Pre-Algebra will be finishing up their chapter on solving equations there will be a test on Wednesday 4/4 and Thursday 4/5.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Week of 3/19

The scale drawing projects were great to look at. The students put a lot of effort and creativity into making them. Here are some snapshots from my 4th hour class.

This week the course 2 students will be working on percents. We will be going shopping on Thursday!

Pre-Algebra students are still solving equations.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Week of 3/12

Monday is the last day of ISAT! The students did a really nice job with the schedule changes and the test itself.

This week Course 2 students will be starting the chapter on percents. This chapter will be split between before spring break and after spring break. We will also be doing our College Cost Project at the end of this chapter.

Pre-Algebra students have started chapter 10. This is an in depth look into Algebra. I will be supplementing a lot in this chapter in order to best prepare all students for Algebra next year. We will spend the rest of March solving multi-step equations. I want all students to be fluent in solving by the time they leave for break.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


This is a short but important week with ISATs.

Please make sure that you have a calculator starting tomorrow ( Wednesday)

Get plenty of rest!

Eat a healthy breakfast!

I wanted to explain a bit about the scale drawing project that was assigned last week. This project allows students to be creative and design their dream room (realistic or not). The students have a total of 12 actual math problems from the walls and 5 items that they have chosen from a given list. All other items they can create without actual work/finding measurements.

I will be giving in class work days in order to keep the work load light during ISATs.

Friday- 3/2- Students should have picked a scale and completed the 12 problems over the weekend

Tuesday 3/6- Students should begin drawing the items on their poster or computer paper

Wednesday 3/7- By the end of class students should be completed with drawing all required items on their poster/paper

Thursday 3/8- Students should be coloring/adding their dream items

Monday 3/12- Students should be finishing up coloring/dream items

Tuesday 3/13- DUE DATE: Present dream rooms ( not a work day)

All work can be completed in class if time is used wisely. Please take a moment to talk to your child about his/her progress. There are some really neat ideas the students are coming up with! You can email if you have any individual questions.

Pre-Algebra students will be starting the first three chapters of ALGEBRA! This is a fun and exciting time for them. There will be many new challenges but I am available at 7:35 for any questions they may have.