Friday, January 13, 2012

Week of 1/16

There will not be school on Monday due to Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

The Course 2 students are really working at chapter 7. This is a difficult chapter in that it covers a lot of algebra and continues to build. Today (1/13) I handed back the first quiz of the chapter. We went over it in class but if your child is still struggling please have them re-read their notes or the textbook (sections 7.1/7.2) If this is still an issue I am available in the morning before school or during class to answer any questions or re-teach lessons.

We will be moving onto solving two step equations later on in the week and there will be a quiz on Friday 1/20.

The Pre-Algebra students will be excited to wrap up Chapter 6. The test will be on Wednesday 1/18 and then we are cruising into Chapter 7. I assigned the review from pg 334 for homework but if your child would like some more practice there is pg 331 as well as pg 744. They can come and get their answers checked on Tuesday morning.